'Pulao is a rice dish, cooked in seasoned broth. It is assumed that “Pulao” was first documented by the celebrated Persian scholar Abu Ali Ibn Sina in tenth century. It is evident that Pulao is a common rice dish of Muslims and travelled with them to civilization to civilization for centuries. Now pulao presents itself as a cuisine of various countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Arabia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India etc, it has different names like Pilaf, Palao, Pulao, Pilau. There’re many varieties of Pulao such as Kabli Pulao, Yakhni Pulao, Chicken Pulao, Beef Pualo, Fish Pulao, Prawn Pulao, Mutton Pulao, Turkish Pilaf and Persian Pulao. Email us: [email protected] Like us : facebook.com/foodistan99 Follow: instagram.com/foodistan99 LOCATION : https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GIGM_enPK813PK813&sxsrf=ALeKk00RwTVf1PTCyi-Y1WP7VPLn38ZmFQ:1600799826302&q=malang+jan+tarnol&npsic=0&rflfq=1&rlha=0&rllag=33653344,72906690,167&tbm=lcl&ved=2ahUKEwjU4YKItP3rAhUhxYUKHcOoAnwQtgN6BAgMEAc&rldoc=1#rlfi=hd:;si:1508837444002308434;mv:[[33.6544825,72.90818879999999],[33.6522072,72.90519239999999]] #PULAO #BANNU #ISLAMABAD'
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